Cellphonia: Wave Farm
WGXC Saturday Show - June 14, 2014: 4–6pm EDT
Cellphonia: Wave Farm is a live concert and telephone call-in computer assisted karaoke concert
about technological innovation in agriculture and mother nature's revenge.Telephone xxx-yyy-zzzz to add to the karaoke with your voice.
Wave Farm Artist-in-Residence, Steve Bull, concludes his residency with a live broadcast of Cellphonia: Wave Farm, performed by Banned Ingredients: Steve Bull, John Driscoll, Phil Edelstein, Scot Gresham-Lancaster, Hans Tammen, and Brooks Williams.
Cellphonia: Wave Farm, is both a physical installation and an ephemeral Internet performance. The project explores the intersection of site-specific environmental sounds with the intervention of computer code algorithm processing using public participation through a call-in phone number with live manipulation by the artists in the outdoor acoustic space. Listeners can participate by calling the Cellphonia: Wave Farm, phone number: xxx-yyy-zzzz.The song is recreated with every phone call
Listen to evolving MP3 version: cellphonia_wavefarm.mp3